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Frequently asked questions

Can I calculate the nutritional information for my own recipes?

Yes. Once you have entered your recipe into the Bartender's Companion you need to link the recipe ingredients to the ingredients in the ingredient database. Once the linking is complete you can calculate the recipe nutrition information.


When I export a recipe, can I export the images too?

Yes, The FDX file format supports recipe images.

How can I share my recipes with people who don't own Bartender's Companion?

Bartender's Companion can export recipes in a variety of formats including Living Cookbook, Diet Pro, Meal-Master and MasterCook. You can also export the recipes as HTML files that can be viewed using any web browser.


Someone just e-mailed me some recipes. How do I import them into my recipe database?

The recipes were probably sent to you as e-mail file attachments. To import the recipes into your recipe database:

  1. Save the attachments to your hard disk.
  2. Open Bartender's Companion.
  3. Import the recipes into your recipe database.


Can import recipes from the Internet?

Yes. Recipes from the Internet, from text files, spreadsheets, and other sources can imported into the application using the Recipe Capture feature.


Can I import recipes from other cooking applications?

Yes. You can import Living Cookbook, Diet Pro, MasterCook 4.0, MasterCook 6.0 and Meal-Master recipe files.


Can I add my own ingredients to the ingredient database?

Yes. You can add your own ingredients, enter nutritional information, and link these ingredients to your own recipes.


I just entered a new recipe with a number of ingredients. Why can't I see those ingredients in the ingredient database?

The ingredient database contains more than 350 ingredients and their nutritional properties. An example of an ingredient database entry is "Spices, pepper, black ." Recipe ingredients are stored separately. An example of a recipe ingredient is "1 tsp black pepper." A recipe ingredient such as "1 tsp black pepper" can be linked to an ingredient in the ingredient database such as "Spices, black, pepper" in order to perform nutritional analysis. You can add more ingredients to the ingredient database, but this is rarely necessary since the database already contains all of the ingredients found in most recipes.

Why do some recipes have a lot of nutritional information and some recipes only have a small amount?

If recipe nutrition information is entered manually (instead of calculating it from the recipe ingredients) only the entered information will be shown.

Can I add an image to a recipe?

Yes. Open the Edit Recipe dialog and click the Photograph ellipsis button to select a photograph for the recipe. Images saved as JPEG or GIF files use the least space on your hard drive. If you own an image or photo editing program, resizing the recipe images to a width of 250 pixels works best.


If I enter recipes into the demo version will I lose them if I upgrade to a registered copy of Bartender's Companion?

No. Your recipes will be imported into the new database.

Can I view captured web pages when I am not connected to the Internet?

No. The database of captured web pages is designed to be used while connected to the Internet. To store the web pages in the database would make it prohibitively large.

Can I change the headers, footers and margins when I print a recipe?

Yes. Bartender's Companion uses Microsoft Internet Explorer technology to display and print recipes. The steps to adjust the print settings for Bartender's Companion are the same as those for Internet Explorer.
